There is something in your eyes
That tells me you don’t want to leave my sight
How I wish to hear you say out loud
That you mean a lot
Now I know that’s something that will make me float
I call to hear your voice
And it’s not by choice
I hear you say hello
And my entire face glows
How happy you make me feel
To hear these words from you
Tring tring-tring tring!!!
I suddenly realize
That I am
Sitting in the balcony
Looking out
Melancholy fills my soul
So fast my past
Enters my mind
And I lose sight of what’s real in life
Ya it’s hard
What’s even harder is
When u feel u got no one by your side
Suddenly you become the butt of all jokes
When you actually care a lot for that one person
In the eyes of others
You end up being the impractical person
Hey, that’s me I give a lot to the heart’s desire
Than being all practical
All the time
Melancholy fills my soul
It jus does
Am not making a fuss
I just hope you understand y
And take the time out
To hold me tight
Without a fight
Can somebody do that for me?
And make me merry!!!!!!
Posted by
Tina Angelin
comments (2)
Posted by
Tina Angelin
comments (3)
It was jus another day
Making my way
With my cousin
On a shopping spree
All dressed up in causals
We were just the usuals
Walking down the road
And BAM outta nowhere
Came a bike and knocked me down
A huge crowd gathered
Like flocks of birds over some dead rat
And suddenly i realised
That I was the victim in Pain bad it was
But everything happens for a cause
I got hospitalised
But was glad that I was alive
It was a big ordeal
And I saw my dear ones feel
But this is say to you
That am getting better now
Thank u all for being there
And for showing so much care
Thank u Jesus that I am here today
To share the miracle of yesterday