Sometimes things seem beautiful
Sometimes it seems so unreal
Whatever be the situation
This heart of mine will praise you
For you are my everything
My fortress my strength
Your love rules my heart
And forever you'll stay and never depart
Sometimes things are rocky
Sometimes I feel so weary
But at all times you're there
Especially when I start to glare
You are alive and have indeed risen
My saviour my Jesus
You are simply out of this world
Sometimes when I'm down
Sometimes when I frown
You become the clown to make me smile
My father my love
Where will I be if we wern't meant to be
You were forsaken when I was forgiven
It all comes down to this now Lord
It's all about you.


Superb piece of work... you are improving with each poem...

About Me

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Enga Irundhalum, Tamilan da naan! It's not just my name, it's who I am!! Attitude or Arrogance - as defined by those who see me for the first time! Kiddish n Immature - To those who know me well! Shrewd n Proactive - as defined by my colleagues! Music Lover - Complete Dreamer - A Good Friend!


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