This story has jus begun
Don’t get up before it’s done
I’ve been trying to tell you
Something for sometime now
I’m lost for words
I have never felt this way before
I know this for sure
Well it has to come out one day
I might as well say it today
I dug my nails into my palm
And pretended as if all is calm
I can’t believe I have
Fallen in this crazy thing called love
I just hope I get a chance
To tell him what I think of him
But it seems impossible
For this to happen
You say it’s a waste of time
To get hooked and later regret
But how can you be so darn sure
I promise that things will never be the same
And this is not some stupid game
As I say this
I dug my nails into my palm
And pretended as if all is calm
I can’t believe I have Fallen in this crazy thing called love


Something crazier...check this link I think it was hilariously cute -

Never fall in love i've heard before. Rather rise in it's splendour and live in it's grace. Oh! Oh! Think I am infected with the one liner bug. LOL. Nice one girl. I'm sure it appeals to all those young at heart. Tres Bien

About Me

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Enga Irundhalum, Tamilan da naan! It's not just my name, it's who I am!! Attitude or Arrogance - as defined by those who see me for the first time! Kiddish n Immature - To those who know me well! Shrewd n Proactive - as defined by my colleagues! Music Lover - Complete Dreamer - A Good Friend!


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