Can we all come together?
To make this world a better place
Joining our hands in prayer
And stick through those trying days
We can make a difference
If we all just learn to be friends
So, why pick up these fights
Then lose your sense of direction
What did these innocent people do?
To fall under your wrath
Open your eyes to see
The mayhem you’ve in your path
Where is this going to lead you?
To heaven on earth
Think again, as you’re just kicking up dirt
We call for peace and you say no
We can’t sit back just to see you go
Guns and armors can’t solve anything
Let’s not create a war but a new beginning


absolutely feel the same as u on..infact this is one of the first kinda poems that i read with honesty as i found an interest in that..same thoughts here too but dont have the words to stitch it into a good poem..
nice one..
surprised tht there arent any comments on it..

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Enga Irundhalum, Tamilan da naan! It's not just my name, it's who I am!! Attitude or Arrogance - as defined by those who see me for the first time! Kiddish n Immature - To those who know me well! Shrewd n Proactive - as defined by my colleagues! Music Lover - Complete Dreamer - A Good Friend!


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