I search into my heart
And I see what you are
You have blessed me
With life most abundantly
I sing praises to you
I am one among the few
Lord, let your light shine through
I have been up and down
You have seen me frown
You made me what I am today
And I have only got myself to blame for my yesterday
Come Lord JESUS, come and make me whole
That you may fill my soul
I am not giving up during the days of my trials
For I know Lord my God is by my side
I know you will guide me safely through this wilderness
And I will try not to make a mess
Let your name alone be glorified
From all of the sides
Lord I give this song to you
A song that says I LOVE YOU


About Me

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Enga Irundhalum, Tamilan da naan! It's not just my name, it's who I am!! Attitude or Arrogance - as defined by those who see me for the first time! Kiddish n Immature - To those who know me well! Shrewd n Proactive - as defined by my colleagues! Music Lover - Complete Dreamer - A Good Friend!


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