There's a song of praise
And it's full of grace
Just to JESUS I cry out aloud
I was what I am
And now I know what I can
Lord, finally you made me a man
Before I found you
I was lost
But now i can't lose you at any cost
My heart goes out for all of your splended deeds
Now i am going to meet others needs
People know that he offers something that's free
Which will help you grow like a tree
Salvation is what he offers
So dont be just choppers
Make use of what you have
For it could be your last chance
If you wanna continue to dance


About Me

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Enga Irundhalum, Tamilan da naan! It's not just my name, it's who I am!! Attitude or Arrogance - as defined by those who see me for the first time! Kiddish n Immature - To those who know me well! Shrewd n Proactive - as defined by my colleagues! Music Lover - Complete Dreamer - A Good Friend!


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